BlueBrevard News

First Newsletter is Out.

By PaulG

We have sent out our first newsletter today recapping a few stories from the past week. If you want to take a look at what you might have missed you can go ahead and find it archived right here--> BlueBrevard Newsletter 1/6/23.

Now that we have our first newsletter out, expect to see more posts here in between newsletters to talk about some of the things that don't make it to the newsletter. 

If you want to discuss the posts and newsletters the easiest place to do that is currently the facebook group. To get into the group just sign up for the newsletter and then join the group. You can also connect with us on twitter and instagram too. Just click on the links in the sidebar or at the bottom of the page.

However, now is the time to get subscribed to the newsletter so you just get the news right into your email box every Friday.

Have a good weekend,



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