BlueBrevard News

Get You’re Mail Ballot

By PaulG

Since the goal of BlueBrevard is to help turn Brevard County blue by voting for Democrat candidates, I thought we would talk about Vote-by-Mail.

If you previously requested a mail ballot in 2022, you must know that request is canceled. Before 2023, Florida voters could elect to automatically receive a mail-in ballot for every election for up to four years. Republicans decided that four years was too convenient for the average voter not to worry about their mail ballot requests. So they came up with the great idea that all of the standing requests on file at the end of 2022 would be canceled. To make voting easier for everybody, republicans decided that voters can now only request to automatically receive a mail-in ballot for up to two years. I mean, I'm sure this new law was to make voting easier and was not to cut into the advantage in mail-in ballot requests Democrats had in the 2022 elections.

Now that we know why we all have to request mail ballots again let's talk about how to request these ballots. The easiest way is to click this link -- Request A Mail Ballot. Once on the website, you fill out the information on the form. Fill out the form and answer a few questions, and you should receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided on the form.

If you have other issues that may stop you from voting, you can visit the Voting page. On this page, some easy-to-use buttons quickly link you to the section of website you need to finish to resolve the issue.

And there you have it. Requesting a mail ballot takes less than five minutes, and you get the peace of mind of knowing that if you can't make it to the polls, you can still vote!

Why are you still here? Go get it done already!


Photo by Liam Truong on Unsplash


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